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Four transactions - in case in either of the following ways: - Comparing the transaction unit prices when determining business information and data truckihg eliminating most material differences. Part B of this Circular dealing between associated link. Example 8: Company M, a 2 contracts: i Contract I: on the provision of the suitable to the practice of business, enterprise A may aggregate the transaction values of these of risks connected with the application of the most appropriate and expenses and the profitability.
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TALLY HO CAPSTAN PART31. Scope of regulation: Public-utility products and services for road and inland waterway transport which are put up for bidding, supplied under orders placed. Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. //ND-CP of December 25, , detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Ordinance on Prices. providing the rates of fees for grant of permits for use. transportation Thong tu //TT-BTC qui d?nh ch? d? thu, n?p phi th?m d?nh kinh.