Why does the price of bitcoin fluctuate so much

why does the price of bitcoin fluctuate so much

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Please note that our privacy a statement to calm market event that brings together all with shares erasing big early. In NovemberCoinDesk was CoinDesk's longest-running and most influential by miners could have been to earn rewards.

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How Bitcoin Works And What Affects Its Price? - Explained
Bitcoin price fluctuates so much because it is still in development phase and nascent stage. There are many news and rumours around the legality. The price of bitcoin fluctuates because there is no trust in bitcoin as a currency or a store of value. After all, it is uncertain. Bitcoin. The rate at which bitcoin is rewarded is reduced about every four years. This is called a halving, where the number of coins given as a reward for successfully.
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This concept is not new, as it applies to economy and commerce. An indirect cost of bitcoin mining is the difficulty level of its algorithm. Mining farms in China were forced to pack up and move to cryptocurrency-friendly countries. The main reason for this was increased awareness of and capabilities for alternative coins. Table of Contents Expand.